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by Adahae
w/ a Premium membership
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  • 6 chapters, 26 sessions
    (total duration: 4 hrs, 15 min)
  • All videos, audio mp3 and transcripts are downloadable.
  • Unlimited access to all online streaming videos
  • Unconditional 30-day money back guarantee
  • Certificate available upon course completion
  • 30% Off for Premium members
The Natural Healing System Inside Us


woman yoga meditating red shirt

Take a moment to think about these questions.

  • How many times did you get bruises, cuts, or burns that healed?
  • How many times did you recover from flus, colds, and infections?
  • How many toxins has your body absorbed every day that cleared out?

All of this is possible because we have a powerful natural healing system inside. If this system works properly, health becomes the most natural state of life.

Turn on the Natural Healing Mode


cafe turn on

If we already have the power to heal naturally, then why doesn’t it work all the time? Why are so many of us sick so perpetually?

Our natural healing system is still powerful, ready to work for us. We simply are not giving it a chance to help when we keep it suppressed through sustained stress.

The key is to turn off our stress mode and turn on our natural healing mode. By removing obstacles to accessing our natural healing power, we can restore our full capacity for health, naturally and sustainably.



girl on beach

When your natural healing mode is turned on and working at its best, your body becomes a SOLAR BODYTM.

Like the sun, a SOLAR BODYTM is warm and overflowing with energy. It sustains itself with its own natural processes. When you have a SOLAR BODYTM, you shine brightly with health, vitality, a sunny attitude, sparkling eyes, radiant skin, and a glowing spirit.

What Makes a SOLAR BODYTM?


girl exploding

Making your body a solar body is simple and easy. With these 3 elements together, your stress response turns off and your natural healing mode turns on:

Manage your body temperature Keep your body temperature at the top of the range of 36.5 - 37.5˚C with your head cooler and your abdomen warmer.

Breathe mindfully Breathe naturally, deeply, and slowly. With conscious breathing, you can manage your energy and emotions and calm your stress.

Use your mind Let your mind watch your temperature and breathing. Then your body becomes warmer, your breathing slows down, your emotions calm down, and your mind becomes quieter.

The Power of SOLAR BODYTM Method


Bring these three elements into your life simply and effectively with the SOLAR BODYTM Method. This straightforward and gentle set of exercises activates and strengthens your natural healing system. It automatically increases your body temperature, deepens your breath, calms your mind, and turns off your stress mode.
plate balancing
Plate Balancing:
Activates the whole body in a flowing infinity movement that strengthens the muscles, improves circulation, and enhances focus and coordination.
brain wave vibration
Brain Wave Vibration:
Relieves stress from the neck, improves gut condition and restores the optimal energy balance of a cool head and warm abdomen.
toe tapping
Toe Tapping:
Strengthens the legs, pelvis, and core. Makes the energy flow through the whole body and stimulates the reflexology points on the feet.
With the SOLAR BODYTM Method You Can:


Manage your health naturally on your own terms, regardless of your environment or circumstances.

  1. Regulate Body Temperature: Strengthen your immune system, improve metabolism and detoxify with optimal body temperature.
  2. Handle Stress More Easily: When your respiration, heartbeat and circulation is strong, you can better cope with stress.
  3. Improve Joint Flexibility: Stretching and deep breathing circulates oxygen, synovial fluid and blood to stiff joints for improved range of motion.
  4. Sustain Physical Energy Longer: Boosts cardiovascular health and releases endorphins for lasting energy throughout the day.
  5. Enhance Memory and Focus: Deep breathing, strong circulation and beneficial hormones increase brain function, actually improving its elasticity.
  6. Sleep Soundly: Intense exercise reduces stress and helps your brain produce the sleep hormone melatonin for a good night's rest.
Take It with You Wherever You Go


take it with you
SOLAR BODYTM Method is available on your schedule. Stream it on ChangeYourEnergy.com or download the files to your favorite device. Experience the benefits of these powerful meditations at home, in the park, or wherever you like to meditate. Play the files on your smartphone, portable music player, tablet, or computer. You can even burn them to a CD and play them the old fashioned way. Join the hundreds of thousands of people who have learned to heal themselves with this simple yet powerful tool.
SOLAR BODYTM Method is a Hot Topic


Lyn Miller
Improve Flexibility, Relieve Joint Pain
As a result of the Solar Body Method, my hands have almost completely stopped the tingling and numbness that I have had for over 10 years. My hips do not have pain. Even my back is more flexible. My posture has improved, and I have increased stamina and vitality. I have always remained calm on the outside, but now I am calm on the inside! My focus is greatly improved. I am more productive at work and more attentive to my family and also myself.
— Lyn Miller, Katy, TX
Peter Marsh
Aligning Body and Soul
Before I started doing the Solar Body Method, I had hip pain and needed a walking stick. I could walk on flat surfaces, but stairs were really painful. My doctor prescribed muscle relaxers and pain medication; it was that bad. The pain completely disappeared after 3 days of training, and I was able to walk without assistance and even run up stairs. After 30 days of continued training daily, I started experiencing body alignment correction. I also now have more mental clarity and focus, and emotionally, I feel more at peace.
— Peter Marsh, Westchester, CA
Beauty Swe
Super Energizer!
Every day I practice the Solar Body Method, I am amazed at how much more energy I have. I'm able to maintain a positive attitude and a cheerful mood. I recommend these exercises to my patients, and I've found that older people with joint pain and arthritis improve their flexibility and are able to go back to their gardening. People with back pain and work injuries are walking straighter without the use of pain medication, and some no longer need surgery. People who are depressed or angry become more cheerful and smile more.
— Beauty Swe, Internal Medicine Physician, Pasadena, CA at Huntington Memorial Hospital
The Creator of SOLAR BODYTM Method


il chi

SOLAR BODYTM Method was developed by Ilchi Lee, a New York Times bestselling author and the founder of the mind-body practices of Dahn Yoga and Brain Education.

For over 30 years, his principles and methods have marked phenomenal success in health and wellness, transforming the lives of millions of people worldwide.

SOLAR BODYTM Method is a selection of the simplest, easiest, and most effective exercises created to make your natural healing system work at its best. This combination of exercises is already being practiced around the world with fantastic results.

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Meet your instructor(s)
Adahae Guadagni has been teaching Dahn Yoga and meditation for 9 years and has experience in many different styles of practice.

He is the manager and head instructor of the Northbrook Dahn Yoga Center in Chicago, IL and the Chi more >
Adahae Guadagni has been teaching Dahn Yoga and meditation for 9 years and has experience in many different styles of practice.

He is the manager and head instructor of the Northbrook Dahn Yoga Center in Chicago, IL and the Chicago Regional Trainer for DahnMuDo.

Adahae's integrative, principle-rich, easy-to-follow teaching style has helped thousands of practitioners experience a break-through in their health, wellness and energy!

SOLAR BODYTM Method - Adahae
w/ a Premium membership
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  • 6 chapters, 26 sessions
    (total duration: 4 hrs, 15 min)
  • All videos, audio mp3 and transcripts are downloadable.
  • Unlimited access to all online streaming videos
  • Unconditional 30-day money back guarantee
  • Certificate available upon course completion
  • 30% Off for Premium members
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Positive transformations for body, mind and soul
Everything is made of energy, including you.
ChangeYourEnergy.com is an online community and premium media service that provides information, exercises and tools to help people transform their energy,
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