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Reducing Bloating & Gut Inflammation
Live Class

by Linda Yoonjin
Reducing Bloating & Gut Inflammation
w/ a Premium membership
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Bloating and gut inflammation are common yet poorly understood symptoms, and they work hand in hand. Did you know that 90% of those with gut inflammation are reported to have bloating? Both can cause a lot of discomfort and stress, which make the symptoms cycle on with little relief.

Bloating and gut inflammation can cause other ailments in the body too such as depression, anxiety, lack of motivation, headaches, hormonal issues, and Parkinson’s to name a few.

This course discusses meridian exercises, acupressure massage, and meditations to release blockages along the energy channels connected to your gut for optimal inflammation relief.

*NOTE: A Belly Button Healing wand is recommended to experience the exercises in this course effectively. Click to purchase one here.

What You'll Learn 


  1. How energy principles for gut health connect with reducing inflammation
  2. How to do exercises to open meridian channels connected to the gut
  3. How to release tension from joints and muscles that cause inflammation
  4. How to increase blood circulation, release stress, and boost the immune system
Table of Contents
Ursil Silcott
Ursil Silcott
Nov 4, 2023
reducing bloating & gut inflammation
“This was a very good video. However i couldnt do the bow and arch and the bow and arch rolling. If theres an alternative to that it will be helpful. Thank you Linda you are such a great Teacher ”
Meet your instructor(s)
Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand. more >
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand.
Rafael Román Rivera
Rafael Román Rivera
Apr 5, 2020
Hola, hará forma de traducir los videos a español?

Reducing Bloating & Gut Inflammation - Linda Yoonjin
w/ a Premium membership
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