

Have you ever considered that there is a difference between strength and power? If you have power, it might be temporary, but if you have strength you can sustain that power. The exercises presented here build on the power you have built and give you tools to use your power more effectively.

These exercises are based on the ideal of “water up, fire down.” When your overall health and wellbeing is good, you are in this state: warm fire energy accumulates in your abdomen and cool water energy circulates through your brain. This idea is reflected in the phrases “keeping a cool head” and “feeling a fire in the belly.” Many people today are in the inverse state, with hot heads and cool abdomens, because they are not physically active enough and their minds are very busy. These exercises will help you regain this ideal state of “water up, fire down” so that you can maintain your power to use it as you wish.

Mental training is a critical part of this training. Energetically speaking, your energy needs to stay centered in your abdominal area. If you let your mind go in all directions, that won’t happen; your energy will be weak and scattered. Thus, the motions and postures are designed to keep you centered and focused on the lower body and the dahn jon, which is the key to sustained power and a peaceful mind.