120 Year Book
In the Media
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I've Decided to Live 120 Years
from around the web.
The Doctor Weighs In
The Doctor Weighs In
By Ilchi Lee | December 29, 2017
We are living longer and longer. As our lifespans extend to 80, 90, 100 years or more, having a good quality of life during those years becomes increasingly important. . . . READ MORE
Pittsburgh Better Times
Pittsburgh Better Times
December 2017
Do you want to live a long, happy, and productive life? Start planning now, says world-renowned philosopher, educator, and New York Times bestselling author Ilchi Lee in his new book . . . READ MORE
Lovely Loveday
Lovely Loveday
December 7, 2017
I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation by Ilchi Lee is an inspirational and very informative read that will inspire you to think outside the box and focus on the what ifs. This motivational self-help book is sure to get you thinking, planning, and re-examining your life. . . . READ MORE
In South Magazine
In South Magazine
By Tammie | December 6, 2017
Much of I’VE DECIDED TO LIVE 120 YEARS is devoted to the significance of spiritual growth in people’s later years, whether in the form of oneness with nature, meditation, or other practices. What is most important, says Lee, is attaining a sense of completion . . . READ MORE
Kristin McGee
Kristin McGee
By Kristin McGee | December 1, 2017
Each and every one of us can choose how we will use the time and the life that have been given to us. This is the greatest power and right that we have. Unfortunately, though, only a tiny fraction . . . READ MORE
Tuckson Health Connections
Tuckson Health Connections
By Dr. Reed Tuckson | November 27, 2017
As a physician who is dedicated to enhancing the healthiness of all people, I am greatly appreciative of the vision, practical guidance, and empowerment offered by Ilchi Lee’s new book . . . READ MORE
Bloomer Boomer
Bloomer Boomer
By Ilchi Lee | November 1, 2017
Have you chosen your lifespan? Next, based on the age you have chosen, calculate how much time you have left between now and when you die. Thirty years? Fifty? Now ask yourself these questions: Do I have a goal and a design for the time I have left? What do I want to achieve and who will I become during that time? . . . READ MORE
Wisdom Magazine
Wisdom Magazine
By Ilchi Lee | November 1, 2017
I believe that the world can change for the better if we live the second half of our lives well. Life in old age holds an important key for solving many problems in our society and for ushering in a new age. We can find this possibility in the rapid growth of the older population . . . READ MORE
By Ilchi Lee | October 31, 2017
Self-cultivation is “making yourself.” It is a process of choosing who you will be and then becoming that person. To put it another way, it’s a process of . . . READ MORE
By Ilchi Lee | October 25, 2017
Self-cultivation is “making yourself.” It is a process of choosing who you will be and then becoming that person. To put it another way, it’s a process of . . . READ MORE
By Ilchi Lee | March 21, 2017
How long do you want to live? Have you ever seriously asked yourself this question? If you keep asking and answering this, you'll realize that it's an extremely powerful question . . . READ MORE