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Your Body's Perfect Energetic State
Live Class

by Linda Yoonjin
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Learn about the hidden road map within your body’s chakra system that lead to enlightenment and soul’s completion.

Have you ever felt your head getting hot when you’re stressed or angry?
Do you frequently experience brain fog, headaches, or poor digestion?
Do you have chronic cold hands and/or feet?

All of these symptoms and other common ailments are linked to an upside down energy state that weakens your immune system and well-being.

In this webinar, our resident energy guide, Linda Yoonjin, will teach you about the optimal energy state in East Asian medicine called “Water Up, Fire Down.” Learn energy principles and exercises to help you relieve headaches, calm emotions, ease digestive issues, and even help lose weight.

What you'll learn:
  1. Your body’s optimal energetic state for enhanced well-being

  2. The root cause behind most common ailments in the modern era

  3. Exercises to bring your body’s energy from “upside down” to “right side up”

Table of Contents
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Meet your instructor(s)
Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand. more >
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand.
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Positive transformations for body, mind and soul
Everything is made of energy, including you.
ChangeYourEnergy.com is an online community and premium media service that provides information, exercises and tools to help people transform their energy,
discover their infinite potential and lead happier, healthier lives.
The information, instruction or advice given by ChangeYourEnergy.com is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not
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