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How to Clear Your Energy
Live Class

by Linda Yoonjin
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From the places we go to the people we meet, our bodies are constantly absorbing energy. The problem isn’t that we may be exposed to toxic people or environments, but that we don’t know how to effectively purify and release the energies we absorb.

There’s an energy field around your body at all times, and it needs to be purified and cleansed everyday. Think of it like your physical body that needs a daily shower to stay clean. However, because your “energy body” is invisible, not many people pay attention to it or think of cleaning it everyday.

In this webinar, you will learn the technique of jigam to purify your energy field. You can use this technique to clear your energy daily or whenever you are exposed to toxic environments or people who throw you off balance.

What You’ll Learn
  1. How your energy field works to affect your health, mood, and mental state
  2. How to clear your energy field with no additional tools other than your hands and mind
  3. How to concentrate your energy to manifest healing
  4. How to purify toxic energy that you absorb from negative people and environments
Table of Contents
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Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand. more >
Linda Yoonjin is a certified Body & Brain Yoga instructor and an expert on Belly Button Healing. She enjoys hiking and meditating by the ocean. Her favorite place to vacation is New Zealand.
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Positive transformations for body, mind and soul
Everything is made of energy, including you.
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