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Intro to Belly Button Healing, Episode 2: Pain Relief
August 11, 2016
8:00- 9:00PM EDT
1 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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I have fibromyalgia  and have chronic pain in all of these places daily
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Hello Diane, thank you for sharing. This is Hanwoori, the host of this webinar. I would like to recommend that you do Belly Button Healing on a daily basis on each of the 8 points around the navel that are mentioned in this video. If there are certain points that have more discomfort, please focus on doing belly button healing on those points 3-5 times longer than the points that have less discomfort. In the case of fibromyalgia, it's good to do belly button healing at least 10-20 minutes per day. This will increase the blood and energy circulation to each part of the body where you experience pain, thus reducing stiffness and energy blockage in those areas. Please try these for 2 to 3 weeks and please let us know how you are feeling afterwards. Have a beautiful day!
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Self-Healing & Relaxation
By Jiyoung Oh
Thu, Apr. 25, 7:00-8:00PM EDT
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