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Self-Healing Yoga
Live Class

by Kay Nho
Self-Healing Yoga
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Everyone has the innate power to heal themselves, but we need to create balance between body and mind to activate healing from within. It’s time to take back your health and use your own energy for self-purification!


This Self-Healing Yoga class helps you go inward and discover your natural healing system. Each class will focus on a different healing topic, from different organs to various chakras. Join instructor Kay Nho as she guides you to use your innate healing power.


1. Warm Up

Experience stretching and subtle vibration to open up the meridians and blood vessels to circulate energy throughout the body. Create space in the muscles and organs to receive oxygen for rejuvenation and healing.

2. Sound Purification

Uses specific sounds to activate the senses and quiet the mind to bring your focus within. Lower stressed brainwaves to a very calm and meditative state.

3. Receive Energy

Energy is accumulated and released through the breath. Learn how to gather energy in your body to experience deep relaxation, while maintaining enhanced focus and mindfulness.

4. Cool Down

Light stretching to cool your body down and feel refreshed for the new day!


Free for Premium Members

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  1. Increased body circulation and a stable heart rate

  2. Clear, harmonious energy accumulation

  3. Decrease in stress levels and a deep, relaxed state

  4. Purification of negative thoughts and energy

  5. A refreshed sense of confidence within

  1. Recharge and purify with your own energy

  2. Build a strong connection to your body and mind

  3. Recognize and activate your self-healing ability

  4. Stretch muscles and increase circulation and detoxification

  5. Calm the mind and enhance focus

Table of Contents
Ursil Silcott
Ursil Silcott
10 months ago
self healing
“Always like her class. however after she did the opening by the third chakra she was not in the middle anymore she was at the top and was not able to follow. there was an image in the place where she was supposed to be. dont know if the fault was my computer or not. Appreciate”
Aug 16, 2023
Wonderful session.
“ A great class to help with tension and problems in the stomach and spleen.”
Natalie Viglione
Natalie Viglione
Jan 30, 2023
Great class~
“Thank you for using ENERGY work in yoga... th REAL kind of yoga! Great class! ”
1 2 3 4
Meet your instructor(s)
Kay Nho
Kay Nho
Kay Nho is a Brain Respiration & Finding True Self workshop trainer. Her mission is to spread joy and happiness to everyone she meets through her sessions. Kay loves to watch movies, especially ones with inspiring stories about various more >
Kay Nho is a Brain Respiration & Finding True Self workshop trainer. Her mission is to spread joy and happiness to everyone she meets through her sessions. Kay loves to watch movies, especially ones with inspiring stories about various people. She loves expressing herself by singing freely.
Lenna Alliev
Lenna Alliev
Apr 4, 2019
Loved all classes, especially Lung Health. Doing recommended Lung healing practice daily, my breathing noticeably improved. Thank you, Kay!

Debra Roberts
Debra Roberts
Feb 15, 2019
 Excellent class. The postures are so simple and I could feel body getting warmer all the way to toes. Especially felt the wrmth building in heart/SI during energy training. Appreciate the words used to speak positively acknowledge the loving efforts made by these organs. Also value the information about function, symptoms of imbalance and emotional connection. I find this helps to separate from the purely emotional response I get when blocked so there is a move back to awareness.Thank you 

Self-Healing Yoga - Kay Nho
w/ a Premium membership
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