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Tai Chi Joins the Live Class Lineup

Tai Chi Joins the Live Class Lineup
Tai Chi Essentials recently joined the ChangeYourEnergy Live Class schedule.

Taught by Adahae Guadagni, Tai Chi Essentials first broadcast on June 12, 2014. It will hold the 7:00-7:30pm EDT slot every Thursday in June.

Live Class broadcasts real-time movement and meditation classes, taught by energy healing experts from centers located throughout the U.S., weekdays and evenings Monday through Friday.

Tai Chi Essentials teach students the principles and practices to that will help their mind and body experience new feelings of energy and connection.

Through the smooth, graceful movements of the practice, Tai Chi allows not only physical space of the musculature and joints, but also facilitates a connection to the body's subtle energy points. "Here is where you find amazing power and increased awareness," says Adahae.

The class is suitable for students from beginner to advanced and covers the basics of Tai Chi energy practice.

Adahae Guadagni was trained in Dahn Mu Do - Traditional Korean Tai Chi and has been teaching for nine years.

To attend the class visit Changeyourenergy.com and click on "Live Class" on the main banner. There will be an interactive live Q&A period at the end of the class. Live Classes are open 10 minutes prior to class. Tai Chi Essentials, normally accessible to members only, is being offered to everyone for one day, June 19th.

Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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