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First Meeting for Change II: Betsy Chasse

First Meeting for Change II Betsy Chasse
Change is a journey…

Change II began with an idea, as all films do, but what to do with that idea? Simple! Schedule interviews with people that could support our idea and help us develop a film that would impact the masses.

Our first stop actually came to us. Betsy Chasse, the producer of "What the Bleep Do We Know?" just happened to be coming into Sedona. It was a good start.

I got ahold of her and what a conversation...she was no nonsense, direct, and very opinionated. But...would she be a fit? Maybe we would end up with a great interview that we couldn't use at all...or maybe we would have something amazing.

Only time would tell…

We met Betsy at the Sun Building in Sedona. She was fresh from giving a lecture on her book, "Tipping Sacred Cows: The Uplifting Story of Spilt Milk and Finding Your Own Spiritual Path in a Hectic World"...she was ready to talk about anything and everything.

And she did…

What we walked away with was simple this: Betsy is one of the most engaging, personable, and fun people we have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. See for yourself in this excerpt from our interview with her.

Written by Dylan Marshall
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