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Change II : Dr. Dan G. Pavel

Change II Dr Dan G Pavel
Change is a Journey…

There is much talk about the benefits of meditation and energetic practices such as Dahn Yoga on the brain.

But what about actual proof? Does it exist?

We wanted to know...so we packed up and headed out to Chicago to speak with a man who could answer those two questions.

Dr. Dan Pavel is passionate about healing his patients. Because of this his mind is open and flexible.

I noticed several things upon meeting him; his handshake is firm, his accent is magnificent, he has a subtle sense of humor and a smile never leaves his eyes.

Dr. Pavel has 30 years experience in Academic Nuclear Medicine and since 1993 he has worked with Brain SPECT (single-photon emission computerized tomography) in other words, pictures of the brain.

In 1996 he took a year sabbatical at the National Institute of Health, Laboratory of Neurosciences in Bethesda, MD to further his understanding and expertise of brain image processing and clinical Neurosciences.

1998 marked a point in his career where he focused on the applications of Brain SPECT in the evaluation of patients with complex conditions involving behavioral, emotional, personality, developmental and degenerative disorders.

He works closely with Psychiatrists and Neuropsychiatrists to better tailor treatment for children, adolescents, and adult patients with coexisting Neuropsychiatric disorders.

In this clip, Dr. Pavel talks about the strains our neural systems encounter in everyday life and the benefits of meditation and Dahn Yoga on balancing this system.

Written by Dylan Marshall
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