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Announcing! The Living Tao Book Review Contest Winners

Announcing The Living Tao Book Review Contest Winners
The winners of the Living Tao Book Review Contest run by publisher Best Life Media from January 1st through 31st have been chosen among the many reviews of Living Tao: Timeless Principles for Everyday Enlightenment by Ilchi Lee on Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com and Goodreads.com.

The first place winner is Anna-Lisa Drew; the second place winner is Heather Preisig; and the third place winner is Sean Geiger. Each winner will receive an autographed copy of the book y the author. In addition, the first place winner will receive a gift card of $100 value, while the second place winner will receive one of $75 value and the third place winner one of $50 value.

Here is what the reviewers had to say:

Anna-Lisa Drew
"Reading this book feels like a homecoming for me. The chapters cover every aspect of living from a Taoist perspective from money and relationships to the growth of your soul. I find myself lingering over chapters to soak up every word and meaning from them. The opening brought tears to my eyes it was so touching. I really felt the heart of the author through these pages and it awakens a longing in my own heart to live as one with the Tao. I urge anyone who is interested in growing their self from a caterpillar to a butterfly to read this book. I feel like I am flying with the realisations, both beautiful and challenging, that it brings. I am so grateful to have read this book."

Heather Preisig
"I've read many books by this Author. I particularly love this one. It's very easy to read and a great and concise guide. My Nanny passed away recently and I found this book was such a great source of wisdom and I could be much brighter about her passing and I feel a greater understanding about why we are here. I appreciate the way in which this book spoke to my heart. I read if before bed and it helps me sleep well."

Sean Geiger
"Ilchi Lee is so inspirational. Every book he writes gets better and better. Thanks to his teaching in this book and others I have found the meaning in my life I have been searching for for over 30 years. He shows us ways to improve your physical, spiritual, and emotional lives. My life now has meaning and direction. If you are like me, read this book and his others. Be well!"

The publishing company has expressed their appreciation for everyone who has written a review of Living Tao, the latest book by Ilchi Lee, a New York Times bestselling author and the founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, who has developed and taught ways of living the Tao for the past 35 years.

Learn more about this illuminating book in the ChangeYourEnergy.com Shop.

Written by Michela Mangiaracina
Michela is passionate about empowering people with positive information so that they can make the best decisions for their lives. For this, she brings together a background as a Brain Education and Body & Brain Yoga practitioner and instructor and study in neurobiology and health communication. Her favorite information to share is the principles and practices promoted by CYE founder Ilchi Lee.
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