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Want to Share Your Expertise? Write for us!

Want to Share Your Expertise Write for us
We invite you to become a contributor at CYE and share your experience, expertise and energy with the world.

Whether you are an energy healer, yoga instructor, holistic doctor or just have something you’d like to share with our community to enlighten, we want to hear from you! Please take some time to get familiar with our articles to get a good idea of what we are looking for.


  • CONTENT: We accept original material only. All articles should contain advice, recommendations, or tips and must not already exist on another site. The content should not be DIRECTLY promoting a service or product. By submitting an article, you give us permission to edit as we see fit.

  • WORD COUNT: Between 500-1000 words.

  • LINKS: Maximum of 2 outside sources for quotes, statistics, data, medical findings, studies etc. No purchase or sales pages allowed, but you may link to your blog or personal site. AND a minimum of 3 internal CYE sources from blog articles that you found on our site.

  • IMAGES: Suggest images and include their sources if not owned by you.


What topics do you accept? Anything in health and wellness. We ask that you submit an article on a topic that best showcases your knowledge and expertise.

What is the turnaround time between submission and posting? It depends on the editorial calendar. Our staff will be in touch with you once your submission has been accepted and will provide you with a live link once the blog has been posted on our site.

Do you accept all submissions? Unfortunately, no. As much as we’d love to, we cannot respond to every request we receive and provide feedback for articles we pass on.

What do you look for in an article? We look for genuine expertise on the written topic—the deeper you delve into something with specifics, the better. We look for pristine grammar with no spelling errors or broken sentences.

Is there a fee for submitting an article? No. We value the time you put in so we do not charge for an original blog.

Is there a fee for backlinking without an article submission? Yes. It’s $25 per link if you are wanting to place one of your links to an existing blog. However, we do not accept all link requests, especially if they go to a direct sales page. If you’re interested, please submit your link for review and provide us with information about the blog name and anchor text.


To submit, email us at support@changeyourenergy.com and include {Article Submission} in the subject line.

  • Include your full article with any suggested images.

  • MUST include a short bio (120 words or less) with first and last name with a headshot photo 400px by 400px or smaller. Please DO NOT include links in your bio.

If your submission has been accepted, a member of the editorial staff will be in touch to follow up. If you don’t hear from us within a month, it means we had to pass on it, but we hope that you’ll consider sending us your next one. Due to the high volume of inquiries, we cannot provide feedback about each submission we receive.

See these examples for the style we are looking for:
Tips from an Expert: How to Keep Your Spine Healthy
How to Develop a Healthier Attitude Towards Sleep
A Meditation Guide for Every Zodiac Sign

Most of all, have fun with it and allow your authentic self to shine for our audience.
Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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Mon, Jul. 29, 10:00-11:00AM EDT
The information, instruction or advice given by ChangeYourEnergy.com is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.