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Change Book Launch Contest Winners

Change Book Launch Contest Winners
From October 1 to 13, dozens of people participated in the launch of the book Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential by respected author, humanitarian, and ChangeYourEnergy.com founder, Ilchi Lee. Sponsored by independent publisher Best Life Media and ChangeYourEnergy.com, the launch offered a free audio guided meditation for those who entered, as well as a chance to win one of three prizes: Ilchi Lee’s Magnetic Meditation Kit (10 winners), a special edition DVD of CHANGE: The LifeParticle Effect (3 winners), and a one-year membership to ChangeYourEnergy.com (10 winners) that includes unlimited access to all of the site’s personal development courses.

Congratulations to the following winners of the contest. ChangeYourEnergy.com will contact winners by email.

1. Magnetic Meditation Kit
  1. Elizabeth Hutchinson
  2. Barbara Cronie
  3. Carolyn O'Sullivan
  4. Jennifer Snyder
  5. Anita Young
  6. Donna Bedore
  7. Rob Johnson
  8. T Campbell
  9. Elinor Tung
  10. Nikki Suralta

2. One-Year ChangeYourEnergy.com Membership
  1. Sharmila Shahani
  2. Dawn Cottini
  3. Serina Doss
  4. Catrin Schmid-El Gendi
  5. Michele Marks
  6. Monique McElroy
  7. Sheryle Knudsen
  8. Wayne Liebl
  9. Rosalind Hines
  10. Harshika Patel

3. Special Edition CHANGE DVD
  1. Debra Fredericks
  2. Cynthia Stepanek
  3. Karen Lea
Written by Temani Aldine
A man wearing many hats, Temani's background as a lawyer, writer, yoga instructor, lifelong meditation student and polyglot makes communications and marketing a good fit for him. It also makes him a one man Changeyourenergy.com embassy.
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Body & Brain Energy Exercise
By Yoosoo Shin
Fri, Oct. 25, 10:00-11:00AM EDT
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