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How Ilchi Lee's Vision for Change Supports MLK's Dream

How Ilchi Lees Vision for Change Supports MLKs Dream
Half a century after Martin Luther King Jr. made his I Have a Dream speech, have we really made much progress toward realizing his dream?

We’ve come a very long way, yet have so very far to go before we realize our universal human experience of oneness.

In the 50 years since King’s speech we’ve seen many great and surprising changes, including electing a Black president to office—unthinkable in MLK’s time. But we still have wide wage gaps between sex and genders, race, sexual orientation, abled and disabled bodies, and more.

Bias continues to impact thousands of lives a day.

Part of the blame lies in the fact that, although we tell ourselves all people are equally valuable, our differing values, experiences, strengths and limitations divide us. We can’t see our common ground when we are holding the stares of mistrust.

Ilchi Lee’s energy principles offer a pragmatic way to bridge the gap between separateness, competition and fear and connectedness, cooperation and loving kindness.

King’s speech called out the Declaration of Independence, citing “We find these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” But, although we may give lip service to the idea of equality, today’s society still struggles with integrating the idea into their belief system. Our actions don’t reflect the platitudes we speak.

It’s difficult to believe we are all connected when common interests are so few. Add to that ingrained biases and dominant beliefs, and resistance to change becomes harder to overcome.

We can’t move forward while still unaware of our unconscious belief in separateness. To be a conscious and fully aware human being means taking a fearless look at those moments when, personally and culturally, we’ve resisted change for the comforts of the status quo. Keeping with the familiar at the expense of knowledge and growth is no progress.

Oneness, and also human potential, according to Ilchi Lee, comes from our true nature/true self. He says we should all discover and recognize our true value, and then respect that in others. Our diversity, while important, is superficial. To get to your true self he says you have to "go deeper.”

Our skin color, our culture, our preferences, in comparison to our unchanging nature, are like waves on the surface of the ocean. Below its surface is the quiet truth.

“So far,” he says, “people have been fighting about aspects of ourselves that are on the surface. But through repeated civil rights movements for different groups, we are slowly recognizing our common humanity.”

In order to step out of our comfort zone, or to overcome our ingrained biases, Lee says, experiencing oneness can help us. "Oneness as a mere concept has no power. You can only truly know oneness through experience. It's not something you can learn. Through meditation, you can feel oneness reverberate throughout your entire being. Then it cannot be denied. It will automatically change your thoughts and emotions to resonate with the energy of oneness."

This is the core message of the “Change” film and book. Change is more than a method for relaxation and personal growth. It is an urgent call to action, to make a sea change away from ideas of separateness and inequality.

As Dr. King said, “...in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream.” And so do we! Changing your energy is an equal opportunity endeavor!

Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
9 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Thank you for this well thought out comment, Ellis. We share your concern about the suicide rates among our troops, and our teens. We are strong advocates of action being the only proof of our ability to change. We hope that our courses, videos and books are giving you the support and encouragement you need to forge ahead.
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Dahn Yoga and the book, "Change, Realizing Your Greatest Potential" is changing my life. After completing "ShimSung (a self-discovery workshop) I also have a vision that we will experience completion of the dream when we start teaching love and sharing love with one another. As a Soldier for more than 30 years, one of my concerns is the suicide rates in the military. We spend millions teaching leaders to recognize the signs of depression and suicide, but this doesn't equate to taking action and does very little for prevention. I have not talked with or met a Soldier that has taken resilience training or Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) return to the work place and share love or compassion. I contend when we start teaching love and compassion and helping one to find their "true self", helping them to realize their purpose, or as Ilchi Lee states, helping people to realize their greatest potential, the world will flourish creating propitious conditions for all.
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What a wonderful, thoughtful, and thought provoking message!! I am sharing it with friends.
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Marie, it's encouraging to know our articles inspire you at such a deep level. Thank you for passing the message along!
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I am excited by this message of hope. Thank you for the beautiful posting!
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I'm happy this post energized you, John. Hope is a great motivator! Keep living your faith...
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This is an awesome reminder of what our true responsibility is as human beings. We need to behave like we are all one, like it has already happened... then we can create our reality. I want to be more honest with myself when my actions create separateness, and choose a different path. LifeParticles have helped me choose that path of oneness.
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Yes, Mary. We also have the power to 'change' the definition of responsibility, from being a burden to an exciting mission.
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Great thank you... Life Particle meditation has helped me greatly to follow my dream. Thank you!
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Heeva, that's great news. Keep going, keep going in the direction of your dreams.! : )
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How we can experience unity is through the oneness we feel when we finally realize that we are all in this cosmic soup of constant change! I call it "changefullness". Thank you for this reminder of MLK's legacy to us!
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Yes, Martha. Oneness seems so elusive most of the time. But when it is experienced, it transcends time.
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Great article! Thank you!
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I am happy you enjoyed the article, Michael. It's not often we get Ilchi Lee to weigh in on the thoughts of such great leaders as Dr. King.
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Great article. Great dream! RamDass said, "When I forget who I am, I serve you. When I know who I am, I am you." When I know who I am, I am you...Oneness. I have a dream.
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Thank you, Kathy. I guess you could say, all of our differences are really the myriad facets reflecting our one true self.
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