Learn to access and channel the power of LifeParticles, and your intentions can become reality.
What are LifeParticles?
LifeParticles are the elementary energy particles that make up everything, and therefore contain infinite possibility. They represent the oneness of all substance and spirit that many people sense when they meditate or become inspired by natural settings such as a star-filled sky.
LifeParticles come from a particular source—a creative force many spiritual seekers have perceived before—the LifeParticle Sun. Directly from their Source, LifeParticles are infused with the essence of divinity, and their vibration is that of the ultimate, unconditional love.
Some quantum physicists argue that you can move LifeParticles with your mind. Unconfined to the limitations of time and space, your mind has the innate ability to use these basic building blocks to manifest your dreams. In fact, the mind is always sending out LifeParticles, which contain information in the form of energy. When your mind is clear and focused and your body aligned, you can send LifeParticles with strong and deliberate intent. That is how you can live with LifeParticles.
In this webinar you will be guided with simple principles and methods on how you can tap into and trust this natural, unconscious ability within you and turn on your “LifeParticle sensor.”
Duration: 1.5 hours
Fee: Available for Premium Members
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What You’ll Learn
- • Principles of how energy works based on quantum physics
- • Meditation techniques to focus your mind to channel energy
- • Ability to sense energy flow in the body to use it for self healing
- • Law of Attraction to be able to use energy to manifest what you want