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Inspire Others by Empowering Your Brightest Chakra

Inspire Others by Empowering Your Brightest Chakra
There's always room to improve ourselves. But if we ignore our strengths, only focusing on filling in the holes and weaknesses by making resolutions, goals for change, agreements, etc, then we'll always be directing our energy to our incompleteness. One of the basic principles of the Universe is: Energy flows where attention goes. So, why not send energy to your strengths?

One way to discover your energetic strengths is by tapping into your chakras, or energy centers in the body. Last week's Wellness Guide focused on aligning your goals with your authentic self by healing your 7 chakras. Today, we're going to help you discover and empower your strongest chakras and show you how to use your superpower in the most constructive way—for yourself and the world.

By reinforcing the areas of your life that are already the healthiest and most vibrant, you open yourself to the world in celebration of your being. Not only does this state of full bloom feel good, but it's also inspiring to witness. Living as your authentically best self naturally ignites the passion in others to follow your lead.

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others." —Plato

This type of celebratory living is what we call a win-win scenario.

Each of the seven chakras in your etheric body contains specific energetic strengths that materialize in your life.

Below you will find a fun and informative chakra chart, which will not only help you identify which chakra is the strongest, but will also give you ideas on exactly how you can use your strongest chakras to benefit the people around you.

Root Chakra: You are a survivor. Your fight or flight response is strong and you know how to get what you need to survive. You trust yourself and your ability to provide the necessities in life. You are grounded and determined.

Inspire others with your resourcefulness and strength under pressure or in trying times. Take the lead and solve the problem at hand.

Sacral Chakra: You are in tune with your body and express your passionate creativity easily. You know how to let go, have fun, and seek pleasure in everything you do. Some would say you see the world through rose-colored glasses.

Inspire others with your self-love and love for life. Show the world that expressing creativity and passion isn't scary at all.

Solar Plexus Chakra: You are naturally proactive rather than reactive or inactive. It is likely that all eyes are on you when you walk into a room. You are at ease in your own skin, and you are very confident. You know who you are and what you want in life.

Inspire others with your self-worth and self-confidence. By standing up for what you believe in and choosing what you want in your life, others will see that they too can choose the course of their life.

Heart Chakra: You are a loving, compassionate, joyful and happy person. You genuinely care about yourself, the environment and others. You tend to see the best in everyone. You make deep and lasting connections with people easily, and you bring out the best in them.

Inspire others with how you value who they really are. When someone knows you see them and appreciate their true self, then you allow them to be themselves more often. Show people that love is the answer.

Throat Chakra: You speak your truth and take no "bull." You have strong communication skills and are a great listener. People tend to open up to you because they feel comfortable around you and know that you truly care.

Inspire others with your ability to express who you are and what you stand for. When they see that you speak their mind, that will open the door for them to do the same.

Third Eye Chakra: You are a seer, an observer. You understand your inner and outer worlds easily and become wiser through experience. You are intuitive and at peace.

Inspire others with your calm nature and wisdom. Show them what it is you see and help them understand the inner workings of the universe.

Crown Chakra:
You feel an unexplainable connection to everyone and everything. You transcend the ego and are in awe of everything around you. You express an effortless "attitude of gratitude" and take nothing for granted.

Inspire others with your trust and wonder in all things. Whether that be the silver lining in the loss of a job or the lack of attachment to something that no longer serves you. Show people that there is meaning behind everything.

Remember, above all, that YOU ARE AWESOME! You are a limitlessly creative human being. When you enthusiastically focus on the power of your strengths, you generate an energy that is both inspirational and contagious. By giving yourself permission to be the type of person that lights up the room when you walk into it, you remind others that they can be the same.

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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