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Visualize to Materialize: Activate the Third Eye Chakra & Achieve Your Goals

Visualize to Materialize Activate the Third Eye Chakra Achieve Your Goals

Intention + Action = Creation

This simple formula can drastically change your life. Without proper action, your intentions are just great ideas.

In the equation above, the "action" is just as much mental as it is physical. The same way you would take physical steps towards your goal each day, you must also do mental work to bring that goal into fruition.

Visualization is the mental action of the mind to materialize goals. When you align your mental and physical actions, you are working from all fronts in order to make it happen. When your intentions are in harmony with the universe, the universe conspires to help you realize them.

As you may have seen in the movie CHANGE: The LifeParticle Effect, visualization techniques are incredibly powerful tools to invite the elements you need to achieve your goals, into your life.

Some benefits of visualization:

  • Good vibes sent to your brain of accomplishment and happiness.
  • Activation of your inner power to create and bring the necessary people, opportunities and events into your life.
  • Empowerment of your authentic self, which grows stronger and stronger as you forge a deeper connection.

Before you begin positive visualization techniques, sense and activate your sixth chakra so it is ready to create. First close your eyes, and observe and connect with the simple act of breathing. Then, envision a bright, indigo light glowing just above your brow on your forehead. Repeat the affirmation, “I listen to my deeper wisdom. I nurture my authentic self.”

Once you can feel the presence and power of your third eye, put its creativity to use through these 3 steps to make your wildest dreams come true.

Step 1: Use your mindscreen for visualization of your goal as if you have already achieved it.


  • Sit in a quiet place, in the morning or right before bed, close your eyes and imagine everything about your goal, especially the path to get there, as if you are watching yourself live it.
  • Play the movie of your future on your mindscreen and connect to the reward of making progress and achieving your goal. Really feel the emotions you would as if you were actually living it.
  • Say "thank you" after each visualization exercise. An attitude of gratitude sends love and appreciation into the universe for helping you get to where you want to be.

Step 2: Fall in love with your goal so you can’t imagine life without it.
  • Your deepest desires stem from your innate desire to be your authentic self. By understanding that they were meant for you to achieve, you are unstoppable.  
  • Know that anything less than exactly what you want is not acceptable. Believe you deserve it, and say, “I’m ready!”
  • Speak about this goal, write about this goal and do everything to keep it in the front of your mind so that you are continuously and consciously involved with it, in love with it.

Step 3: Everyday, choose your goal and work towards it.
  • When you wake up in the morning, before you visualize, actively choose to pursue your goal. Your goal is not an obligation but a choice, and your brain knows that.
  • When you choose it over and over again, day after day, your mind becomes so associated with it that your intent, laser focus is activated.
  • This momentum builds to the point that not achieving the goal is not an option and you are essentially designing your life.

While visualization is powerful, it is not immediate in most cases. Be patient and determined, and don’t give up. Believing that you are worthy makes the process 100% worth the effort.

Go create the life of your dreams because, honey, you deserve it!

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
1 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Killer article, thank you! If Intention + Action = Creation, then I'm hoping Visualization + Gratitude = Success.....I'm off to visualize/meditate
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Hey Marc, great interpretation! Glad you're motivated to make some magic happen in your life! Let us know how it goes!
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