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Sale on Superfoods for Spring Detox!

Sale on Superfoods for Spring Detox

Spring is a time for renewal and many fruits and veggies are deliciously ripe. Many of us are spending time clearing out our homes, but it is also a great time to give mind, body and spirit a good detox and boost metabolism.

After a cold winter and the daily rush of life, our bodies may become bogged down and sluggish with excess energy and waste. With the vibrant energy of spring and a little help from Mother Nature, we can recover homeostasis through detoxification and boost our metabolism. This can also take some of the workload off of the organs that help rid the body of toxins like the kidneys, liver, lungs, digestive system and skin.

Superfood supplements are a natural way to give the body more of what it needs to clear out any excess waste and return our health to a level of homeostasis. Spring is a time to get outside and be active, and this is also an opportune time to tune the body up for more activity, movement and sunshine!

From April 21-30, we are offering a small discount on a huge opportunity to realign and refresh your health with these superfoods!

Hamcho - Excellent for promoting gut and bowel health, regulating blood sugar, supporting the nervous and endocrine systems, and increasing circulation for a strong and healthy heart.

Saengshik - Bioactive enzymes enhance metabolism, support healthy bowel movement, help eliminate metabolic waste and reduce carbohydrate and sugar cravings to promote natural, healthy weight loss.

Bamboo Salt
- A healthy and natural alternative to table salt that helps balance pH, aid digestion and cleanse impurities from the body.

Healing Tea
- The special blend of herbs is excellent for regulating blood sugar, eliminating toxins and aiding in weight loss by burning body fat. Works as a mild laxative.

Hwangchil Tea
- An ancient remedy for many ailments, this tea was the choice of Asian kings for thousands of years. It cleanses and purifies the blood, revitalizes the nervous system, tonifies the meridians and helps activate inner healing power.

Honey Red Ginseng Slices - Ginseng has been used as a natural antibiotic, energy booster, immune supporter, and anti-aging root. It is well known for its wide range of benefits and healing properties.

Treat yourself to a toxin-free body, mind and spirit this spring.

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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