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Affirmations to Strengthen the Unquestionable Mother-Child Bond

Affirmations to Strengthen the Unquestionable MotherChild Bond
The bond between mother and child is undeniable, innate, physical, energetic, cellular and unconditional.

Science is beginning to understand what mothers have known intuitively for millennia, that children are literally a part of them forever.

The physical connection is the shortest of all the connections experienced between mother and child. The cutting of the umbilical cord encourages independence and self-sufficiency, but science has recently discovered that the child will forever be part of the mother’s body. An interesting study released by Scientific American in 2012 found the cells of a child in the brain of the mother, years after giving birth. This gives the term “pregnancy brain” a whole other meaning and reinforces the fact that we truly are one!

Any mother can tell you that because of this innate connection, it feels as if your heart is walking around outside your body in the form of your children and that what happens to them, happens to you too. You feel their joy and pain and experience everything they do as if they were just an extension of your existence. Which, in many ways they are!

The key to managing this sometimes overwhelming flow of energy is, as everything is, balance and healing. A great exercise to balance and heal the relationship between mother and child, or even reinforce the energetic connection on a cellular level, is belly button healing.

As the belly button is the point of a child’s first physical pain and trauma, and where the life-giving connection was formed to the mother, the navel is a convergence of past trauma, both physically and emotionally. Many people internalize emotions which can then be buried in the dark depths of the abdomen. Unaddressed, these can manifest into physical ailments which jeopardize our optimal health.

Energy Exercise for Healing and Release

Begin by closing your eyes, bringing your awareness to the present moment and taking three deep breaths through your nose.
  1. Rub your palms together as fast as you can for about 30 seconds or until your arms get tired.

  2. Take this heat and hold both hands over your belly button and envision beautiful, bright energy flowing from your hands into the knot (both physical and emotional) in your belly.

  3. Repeat these affirmations with each breath and believe every word you say (aloud or in your head)


  • The more I release, the more I love

  • The more I love, the more I am loved

  • I accept and appreciate the connection to my mother

  • I am independent but will always be part of her

  • Thank you for giving me life

  • I forgive you

Healing this point can not only improve our physical health, but can also help heal past wounds inflicted by our mothers during childhood or adulthood and strengthen the innate bond we have with the woman who gave us life.

Mother’s Day is upon us and healing this important relationship is not only timely, but can also help us live a more fruitful and happy life without the heavy burden of emotional pain.

We will expand deeply on belly button healing next week, so stay tuned for an ancient eastern practice that is gaining momentum in the western world.


Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
1 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Thank you for sharing this profound information. Healing ones emotions through movement and exercise is the way to forgiveness for me. Healing through movement allows me to release negativity easier and gentler, without so much harsh self judgement! I couldn't nor do I wish, to be ever without practicing yoga and meditation. It is my most passionate journey (: 
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Hi Bernadette, you're welcome! I'm so happy this has struck a cord with you. Movement truly is the best medicine and therapy for emotional and physical health. What a beautiful journey you are on. Keep shining!
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