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What is Brain Education?

What is Brain Education

The brain is our “command central.” Because ultimately, it’s through the brain we can design and create our lives. Everything around us—from the products, buildings, gadgets, toys etc.—started from an idea that someone originally had in their brain. The same way we use the brain to create the world, we shape our own lives with it too. The human brain holds the power to create happiness or misery depending on how we use it.

The problem is that our world today is faster and more convenient than ever, but suicide rates are rising sharply and loneliness has become an epidemic. Ilchi Lee, the Founder of Change Your Energy, saw this as our modern day dilemma and thought deeply about a sensible solution. What good was all this advancement if we didn’t know how to take care of ourselves and be happy, healthy, and more peaceful? After all, isn’t that something that everyone wants and can benefit from?

Brain Education is a 5-step method Ilchi created for people to learn how to use their innate brain power to create self-sustained health, happiness, and peace. Backed by research, it’s been accepted in South Korea as an official academic study where students can receive a bachelor’s master’s or PhD degrees in. Let’s take a look at each of the five steps.

First Step: Brain Sensitizing

Brain Sensitizing is about feeling your body; it’s about awakening your energy senses. Many people are numb to their bodies—numb to what emotions, thoughts, and illnesses they carry inside. This is unfortunately a common issue with people in our day and age, as we focus more of our attention on outer things while being disconnected from our inner selves. Brain Sensitizing is the foundation, and its goal is to connect your body and mind together so you can feel the energy that flows within you. This important first step opens your brain to recognize and become aware of your own inner state of being.

Second Step: Brain Versitalizing

After connecting to your body’s energy senses, the second step is all about making your brain flexible. In other words, being able to see and accept values that aren’t necessarily your own. Many people’s brains are fixated on their own belief systems, and they insist on their values over those of others’, which creates conflict and prejudice. Brain Versitalizing revolves around co-existence— helping people see and accept different value systems without aggression towards those who don’t align with their thought process. The goal is to reach a mindset that says “We are all together, we are one.”

Third Step: Brain Refreshing

Next is Brain Refreshing. The thoughts and emotions that you’re consciously aware of are just 1% of the total workings of your mind. The remaining 99% is your unconscious, where all of your life’s experiences, traumas, and memories are stored—which dictates all of your actions and perceptions. Brain Refreshing is about releasing any negative information or false beliefs stored in your unconscious that are creating obstacles in your life. When you tap into this level, you’ll be able to clearly see the things that have been holding you back, how much they’ve been directly affecting you, and finally, let go of them to create something new.

Fourth Step: Brain Integrating

If there were a single word to describe this level, it would be harmony. Once you’ve released the mental obstacles, now the energy inside of your brain will reach a harmonious, balanced state in your left and right brain hemispheres. During the Brain Integrating stage, energy can flow unrestricted inside of your brain so that it operates smoothly. By this step, the energy in your mind and body are in-sync and you become one with the energy inside of you.

Fifth Step: Brain Mastering

Now the final step is to master your brain to create and design the life you want. This is the stage where you embody the Law of Attraction—that your thoughts become things. Once you reach this stage, you can create your own health, happiness and peace without relying on outer circumstances or people to give you joy. Someone who has achieved Brain Mastering is operating at an extremely high level of consciousness and knows exactly what they want and how to get it in a responsible, un-selfish way. They live as the true owners and creators of their lives. 



Brain Education has brought huge improvements to public schools crumbling from gang-violence in El Salvador. This month, Ilchi Lee will be officially recognized and awarded by President Salvador Sánchez Cerén of El Salvador for his efforts to bring peace to the country. Brain Education is now implemented in 25% of all public schools there.

Written by Austin Adams
Austin is a writer and creative mind who loves movies, books and anything artistic. Video games are one of his favorite pastimes, along with working out and staying active. He likes to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also loves the experience of trying new food and drink. He's sort of a walking contradiction.
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The minimalist design of the Dino Game is both charming and nostalgic. The simple black-and-white graphics evoke a sense of retro gaming, while the cheerful sound effects enhance the overall experience.
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@slitherio I want to express my utmost gratitude to the author for their meticulous research and extensive exploration of various facets of the subject, making this article a valuable resource for readers.
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Very good article. I've heard this described in a number of courses before but this article brings a bit more info which helped me understand it on a deeper level. Thanks Austin!  
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