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Boost Your Immune System with Toe Tapping Exercise

Boost Your Immune System with Toe Tapping Exercise
Did you know that your toes can help boost your immune system? In reflexology, the feet are connected to all parts of the body so stimulating them can boost circulation to your organs and warm your body efficiently. With proper circulation, you can build a strong immune system and become healthier from your head to your toes. In this article, we will outline Toe Tapping exercise, which helps boost your immunity and enhance energy and blood circulation throughout your body.

What is Toe Tapping?

Toe Tapping consists of repeatedly tapping the inside edges of the feet together. This movement brings blood and energy from the upper body down to the lower body, which results in cooling the head and warming the abdomen and lower body. Having a warm lower body, specifically a warm abdomen, can help raise your immune system functions quickly.

This exercise also enhances the energy circulation of six of the twelve meridians, or energy pathways, flowing throughout your body. The stomach, spleen, bladder, kidney, gallbladder, and liver meridians extend from the torso and flow through the legs. Toe Tapping can open meridian blockages of stagnant energy and improve functions related to each of these meridians, to give you benefits such as improving eyesight, relieving pain and tension, lowering high blood pressure, or alleviating diabetes symptoms.

More benefits of Toe Tapping include:
  • Circulates the energy of the lower body’s major joints and meridians
  • Expels stagnant energy from the body
  • Cools the head and warms the lower body
  • Calms the “fight-or-flight” stress response

How to do Toe Tapping

1. Find a comfortable space and lie down with your legs straightened and your arms at your sides, palms facing up. Scan your body and consciously release tension from your muscles. Relax your legs comfortably. Take three deep breaths in and out.

2. Position your legs so that your heels are almost touching. Keeping your heels as the pivot points and repeatedly bring both feet together, then move them apart. Move your entire legs up to your hip joints, not only your feet. The inside edges of your feet will make a noticeable thump as they come together.

3. Continue bringing your feet together and moving your legs apart for about 5 minutes or 500 reps. Keep your upper body relaxed. If you feel sharp or significant pain in your hip joints or legs, rest for a minute or two and then start again. Keep consciously relaxing your legs and exhaling any tension you feel in your body.

With Toe Tapping exercise, you can release stagnant energy, warm your lower body and abdomen, cool your head, and quickly boost your immune system. If you’re interested in learning more about this exercise, try our Solar Body Method course.

This wellness guide is a part of our Immunity Boosting Toolkit. Check out the other articles on how to boost your immune system naturally and get your body healthy.
Written by Gabi Petrylaite
Gabi is a creative mind who loves deeply connecting with the people around her. Using music as a tool of inspiration, you can find her at concerts or music festivals in her free time. She has practiced energy healing and meditation from a very young age and loves encouraging others to keep a positive mindset to become happier, brighter, and more successful.
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