Take part in a unique live class from Change Your Energy: Zodiac Tarot Readings with Lauren Larsen.
Join intuitive tarot reader, energy healer and astrologer with over 25 years of experience,
Lauren Larsen as she helps you get answers, clarity, and insight on your life through interpreting tarot cards based on your zodiac sign. Lauren takes the zodiacs she will read for that month based on what viewers request in the live chat.
These live classes are
available FREE for Premium Members of Change Your Energy. As a Premium Member, you get access to weekly live classes, courses, webinars, blogs, among other exclusive benefits for just $19.99 a month.
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What are Tarot Readings?
Tarot readings help you tap into the psychic and spiritual world and bring you the information you're seeking. Used for over 700 years to help people find answers in their life, tarot readings involve the use of tarot cards, which allow the flow of energy and reveal information to you about your past, present, or future. They present information in pictures and symbols which a tarot reader interprets to bring you clarity, insight, or confirmation about an event or question you have.
Your life is the product of “free will,” but a tarot reading can help you find opportunities to make better decisions. It is best to have questions prepared when having a reading as this helps to focus the energy and information to get the most out of the experience.
*This class is no longer recurring as of January 2021. Click Here to Watch the Archives.