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An Effective Guide for a Healthier Morning Routine

An Effective Guide for a Healthier Morning Routine
What's the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? If the answer is jumping out of bed to start the day or checking your mobile phone, you really need to read this guide! As life spins at the speed of light, we have to do everything we can to find time for healthy habits, and a healthy morning routine is how it all begins.

What is a Healthy Morning Routine?

Beginning your day with a routine that sets the pace for a healthy, happy day is a healthy morning routine. Everyone is different, so it's important to experiment and find what works for you. Try this in your morning routine to give your day a positive kickstart:

Take a Moment (or Five!)

Take a few moments to greet the new day calmly and positively before getting out of bed. Take a deep breath, stretch your body out, and relax for a few moments as you shake the cobwebs of sleep off.

Here are some ideas to fill these moments with positivity:

Don't Check Your Phone for as Long as You Can

Every time you check your phone, you're inviting the stress of having to react to something. Whether it is a message, a social media post, an email, or a bank notification, anything new on a mobile phone requires attention. You know you have the whole day to deal with all of that, why not delay it for a while?

Make Your Bed

Yes, it sounds like a chore, but it's good for you in many ways! Making your bed is a gentle way to get moving, and it will give you a small sense of pride that you've accomplished something. It also encourages good sleep hygiene: at the end of the day, you'll have a lovely, freshly made bed to crawl into!

Turn 'Getting Ready' Into a Ritual

Instead of contemplating what to do next every morning, begin your day, in the same way, every day. Do the basic things you need to do, like getting dressed, eating a healthy breakfast, exercising, brushing your teeth, and feeding the dog in the same order every day. This will streamline your morning, help save time, and reduce stress.

Drink Water

We know we should be hydrating throughout the day, but did you know how important it is to drink water soon after you wake up? Our bodies are made up of so much water; we need to keep topping it up! After hours of sleep, have some water as soon as possible.

Get Moving

Exercise makes you feel great! If you're not keen to go to the gym, go for a quick run or start a home exercise routine with some basic gear exercise equipment like resistance bands. At the very least, have a good stretch. Yoga has both mind and body benefits and is an excellent practice to incorporate into your morning routine.

Eat Something Healthy

A balanced breakfast will encourage healthier eating and has a range of health benefits like:
  • Your blood sugar levels will balance out.
  • It boosts energy levels.
  • Your brain will be stimulated.
  • It kickstarts a healthy metabolism.

Plan Your Day

Instead of randomly jumping into tasks, do it strategically with a to-do list. If you spend a few minutes in the morning writing out your game plan for your day, it will be easier to achieve what you need to before getting distracted by emails and phone calls. Make sure you write the most challenging tasks first so you can get them out of the way soonest!

Do Something Fun

Routine can get boring, so you shake it up with something fun or creative. Whether you play a video game while you wait for your morning coffee to brew, or do some journaling as you drink it, do something that's not serious or essential. Here are some ideas:
  • Hang out with your pets.
  • Dance it out to your favorite tune!
  • Watch an episode of a series.
  • Read the morning paper.

Healthy Mornings = Healthier Lives

The tone and pace of your day will be set with the first few hours of it. Starting the day out in a healthy way is an excellent way to keep up a self-care habit. If it's healthy, that's how the day will run. A healthy morning routine will help you take care of your physical and mental health, both essential to sustainable happiness.
Written by Lara Campher
Lara Campher is a freelance content writer, fitness instructor, and nutrition coach. Passionate about health and wellness, Lara loves writing about all aspects of it, from exercise and nutrition, to mental health, and motivation. She also enjoys helping people who want to be healthier, and fitter, and works with them to achieve their health goals.
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