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The Benefits of Healing Your Energy in Nature

The Benefits of Healing Your Energy in Nature
Multiple studies have shown the mental and physical health benefits of spending time in nature. It can reduce your stress levels, boost your creativity, and even make you feel happier. But, if you’re feeling spiritually disconnected or finding yourself struggling to stay uplifted, spending time outside can also help to heal your energy.

If you’re just starting your healing journey, taking the initiative to spend time outdoors can be a wonderful first step. It’s especially effective if you’ve never fully taken advantage of the benefits of nature before. Now is a perfect time to start.

Spending time in nature is easier than you might think, and you can combine your time outside with other healing practices that help you realign yourself spiritually while improving both your mental and physical well-being.

Let’s cover some of the ways nature can benefit your spiritual energy and how you can make the most of your time outdoors.

Exploring New Locations

One of the best ways to discover the healing power of nature is to go exploring. Changing your environment can make a big difference in your mental health. It can improve your creativity and inspire you while reducing stress and improving your mood.

You don’t need to go far to experience new scenery. Consider going on a hiking trip in a neighboring national park. Or, simply stroll through a community nature trail.

Going somewhere new outdoors can be especially beneficial if you feel like you’re in a rut or you’ve been uninspired by life, in general. This has become an increasingly problematic issue as people are spending more time at home.

While enjoying your home sanctuary and feeling that level of comfort is important, it’s easy to start to feel stagnant when you’re staring at the same scenery all day. Getting outside, especially when you can go somewhere new, can rejuvenate you in ways you may not have realized you needed.

Once you start to recognize the benefits of changing your scenery, you can do it more often. Try things like geocaching to “gamify” your outdoor experience and to explore different areas. Or, set goals for yourself when it comes to traveling and camping. The more you explore, the more connected with nature you’ll be.

Combine Healing Habits

Everyone has different needs when it comes to their spiritual well-being. But, there are some practices that can provide healing to almost everyone when they’re done with the right mindset, including:
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Deep breathing
  • Journaling

By taking those healthy healing habits outdoors, you can feel even more spiritually connected. Nature has a way of clearing your head and reducing stress. So, you can focus more on the things you want to do that promote healing. Meditation becomes easier and more effective. Yoga becomes more immersive. Journaling becomes more inspired.

One way to receive the full benefits of healing your energy outside is to make these things part of your everyday routine. Obviously, you don’t have to do them all. But, if you’re already meditating or practicing mindfulness each day, switch up your location. Find a quiet and private place outside that allows you to commit to your healing habits. Everything from breathing in the fresh air to listening to the natural sounds around you can improve your well-being and help you achieve a greater sense of peace.

Stay Close to Home

We already talked about the benefits of exploring new places to find inspiration and healing. But, if you’re not comfortable with that, don’t pressure yourself. The beauty of spending time outside is that you can do it anywhere – even in your own backyard.

Creating your own backyard retreat makes it easy to take advantage of the healing powers of nature as often as you want. Plus, you can customize your outdoor oasis to fit your personal needs and wants, including things like:
  • A pool/hot tub
  • A garden
  • A place for meditation/yoga
  • Comfortable furniture
  • Calming lighting
  • Specific themes/colors that relax you

You don’t need to have a large backyard or even a big budget to make meaningful changes. One of the most important things is to make sure your yard is accessible. Prioritizing accessibility, especially if you plan on having a garden that needs frequent tending, will help to ensure you can take advantage of your outdoor space no matter what. Whether you’re dealing with mobility issues, recovering from an injury, or you want to make sure everyone else in your family can easily enjoy being outside, too, keep accessibility in mind.

There is no “right” way to utilize your time outside when it comes to healing your energy. Find what works for you, and take advantage of all nature has to offer. When you let go of other distractions and immerse yourself in your natural surroundings, you might be surprised by just how beneficial spending time outside can be for your spiritual well-being.
Written by Sam Bowman
Sam Bowman has a passion for health and wellness. As a seasoned professional writer, he specializes in topics about people, tech, healthcare and how they merge. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.
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