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Finding Harmony in Remote Work Environments

Finding Harmony in Remote Work Environments
Working from home or any remote environment offers plenty of perks, from the elimination of a long commute to a likely decline in distractions. However, there are also some downsides. It can be easy to feel isolated, and if your work environment is not just right, it can be less comfortable and productive than being in the office.

You need to find harmony in your remote work environment so you can enjoy your work and feel at ease during the day. There are many ways that you can take action to improve your mental health and find happiness during your shift. The tips here will provide a good starting point.

Take Steps to Find Harmony

One of the many benefits of working remotely is that geographical constraints do not bind you. This allows you to have more freedom and the opportunity to choose the right place to live. Look for a place that will contribute to your sense of harmony by being affordable, within proximity to amenities you need, including healthcare, and close to friends. Choose a place near loved ones so you reduce the potential feelings of isolation. Just don’t move so far away that you’re outside of your company's time zone or violating any corporate policies.

Once you find a landing spot, you can further find your harmony by setting up the ideal workspace. Move your desk so you’re facing the door to your office for a more peaceful and open look. Also, find a space with windows and sit near them. It’ll make it easier to see your work, and the sunshine can make you feel happier and more energetic, which will help you get through the day.

It’s also important that you’re comfortable where you work because aches and pains will certainly eat away at your harmony. Find an ergonomic chair that allows you to sit straight up and not tweak your neck or back. Also, set up your computer so that your sightline is equal to the top of the monitor or laptop, which will also improve your comfort level and make it easier to work.

Self-Care Is Key

One potential downside of being remote is that you could work longer than you did at the office, and it could affect your life and health. When you don’t have a boss turning off the lights and telling you to leave, it is easier to stay in your office and keep working late into the night. What you need is a little self-care, and that begins by creating a work-life balance.

When your shift ends, clock out and leave your office. Turn off your computer and leave your work phone on your desk, and go enjoy time with your family. One of the benefits of working at home is spending more time with your loved ones, so take advantage.

When you are at work, try to stay organized and keep everything in its place. Avoid clutter that will make you feel anxious. By having everything at arm’s reach, you’ll create a solid flow in the office and feel better while remaining productive.

Other self-care practices can offset some of the risks of remote work. Being at home with your pantry and the ability to order food at any time can lead to an unhealthy diet. So, make a concerted effort to maintain a healthy diet by planning meals, purchasing healthy snacks, and drinking water throughout the day. Also, make sure that you take your breaks and use them to take walks outside. You’ll get exercise, and the fresh air can help to calm your mind.

Help Others Find Harmony

If you work as part of a team of remote employees, you can help them stay harmonious, which will, in turn, help you feel better about your work. Start by being positive. Find things to be thankful for at work and share them with your team over email or instant messenger. Also, praise others when they do a good job. They’ll be thrilled to get your approval, and you can feel good knowing that they feel good.

In the case that you work from home as a manager of other remote employees, you can do your part to help your team feel harmonious wherever they are. If it doesn't interfere with their work, reach out once or twice per day and ask how they’re doing or about their weekend. They’ll be glad for the break, and they’ll feel like they’re part of a unit, which will help to combat their feelings of isolation.

Finally, you can boost the spirits of yourself and your team by offering incentive programs for associates who reach goals and meet productivity standards. Programs could include dollar bonuses for a certain number of sales or handing out gift cards for finishing a project on time.

There are significant benefits to employee incentive programs. In addition to improving morale, you’ll boost employee productivity because they’ll be driven to receive rewards. Just be sure to set clear criteria and have accurate performance tracking in place so that deserving associates get the proper rewards.


Working remotely has many upsides, and you can make your workspace better and more harmonious with a few adjustments and tweaks. Make your remote office your own, and you’ll be much happier when you clock in.

Written by Sam Bowman
Sam Bowman has a passion for health and wellness. As a seasoned professional writer, he specializes in topics about people, tech, healthcare and how they merge. In his spare time he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.
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