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Yoga Postures to Help Alleviate Thyroid Symptoms and Increase Vitality

Yoga Postures to Help Alleviate Thyroid Symptoms and Increase Vitality
As we discuss in this week's article, "Spotlight on Autoimmune Disorders for Women: The Thyroid", yoga postures may be of help in reducing symptoms of a thyroid disorder. If you suspect you have an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, please see a medical practitioner soon. While there can be many contributing factors that cause or exacerbate symptoms, it is important to understand your particular health situation relating to this important gland.

Excessive stress plays large role in thyroid problems and symptoms. The mind-body connection is an important point of focus in managing thyroid conditions, which tend to become life-long concerns. Yoga practice can alleviate this stress. Yoga can improve circulation, reduce stiffness in the body, and can be helpful with the ongoing aches and pains associated with the inflammation thyroid and autoimmune disorders can cause.

Additionally, as energy management becomes a crucial focus with thyroid problems, yoga can be a very good choice. With gentle stretches and postures to help clear blockages and massage the endocrine organs, energy often improves over time without taxing an already "thyroid-tired" system.

There are many postures which help to restore balance to the body’s metabolism and stimulate meridians near or around the base of the neck. Here are a few you can try, if you choose.

Superman Pose

Cobra Pose

Backward Neck Tilt

* Photos from Meridian Exercise for Self-Healing are provided courtesy of BEST Life Media.

* As with any physical exercise regimen, LifeParticle.com recommends that you check with your healthcare practitioner before trying these postures.
Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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By Danielle Gaudette
Tue, Jan. 21, 8:00-9:00AM EST
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