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3 Ways to Rejuvenate for the Start of Summer

3 Ways to Rejuvenate for the Start of Summer
As the Summer Solstice on June 21 marks the beginning of the summer season, it is an excellent time to review our plans and goals for the year and assess how things are progressing. Especially concerning the ways we expend energy, summer’s slower pace can help us “catch up” with ourselves.

With summer’s bountiful fresh foods, the season presents opportunities to eat in ways that can help shed a few pounds, feel slimmer and enjoy healthier nutrition. Warmer days call to us for a bit more relaxation in our normally hectic schedules and provide the opportunity to enjoy life’s pleasures.

Here are three ideas to get you started on a plan of rejuvenation to match up with Mother Nature’s time of fulfillment:

  1. 1. Using summer’s colorful crop of fruits and vegetables, design a new meal plan. Focus on eating more vibrant greens and summer’s fruits and berries. Plan to include as much color in each meal as you can. Visit farmer’s markets and enjoy more locally grown and organic foods as you crowd processed foods out of your diet.
  2. 2. Do less and achieve more by consolidating your energy and focus on things that really matter. Nurture yourself by taking time to explore areas of interest through reading or classes. Rearrange a space in your home where you are free to relax and recharge.
  3. 3. Add or increase your exercise as you try something new that rejuvenates the body and mind through stretching and meditation. Practices such as Tai Chi, Qigong, and Dahn Yoga are all beneficial in this regard, and walking is always a good choice.
  4. Above all, take time to enjoy the warmth and sunshine of the summer!

Written by L.A. Trombetta
Sedona artist, L.A. Trombetta shares her nature-inspired writing, music, and art on this website. Lynn’s whimsical, adult fiction plays with the edges of life and reconnects with the magic of True Spirit and fresh vision for a joyful, limitless life based on personal creative evolution and awareness.
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