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Day 21: Learning to Feel Change

Day 21 Learning to Feel Change
"As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler..."
—Henry David Thoreau

Week 3: Determination

Congratulations! You have made it 21 days. At this stage the main change in your life will be your point of reference.

You had become accustomed to looking first to your circumstances and then responding, usually with some persistent level of fear. Now your main point of reference will become your internal landscape. When you have developed the habit of checking here first, then fear need not color your response to life.

This is important to understand, because you contribute greatly to your life circumstances by your responses. Fear-based responses produce circumstances that support your fears. So, when you resolved to make this change in your life you wanted to change your circumstances, but you probably recognized the need to change your behavior as well.

The most significant change is something more subtle and requires changing how you see yourself internally. This is where you can get to the root of you fear.

Changing how you see yourself internally sounds dramatic but it doesn't have to be. It could be something as simple as changing your internal dialog from "Why can’t I be more...?" to “I accept that even my mistakes are building my life toward a masterpiece.”

One of the most effective ways to change your internal dialog is to reframe “have to” thoughts or statements. For example, when you change “I have to pay this bill” to “I choose to pay this bill now” you can begin to root out patterns of guilt and fear around money. You will also get the special energy boost that comes from making an authentic choice.

Hopefully, you now have this and other tools for digging a little deeper to get a sense of how certain ideas or thoughts "feel" in your body. If you can do that, then you can get to "know" life without fear. Even if you experience internal peace momentarily, you can expand upon the memory of that experience.

Simplify your life by focusing on that internal feeling and recreating it. If you try to get there by adding more people, places or things to your circumstances, life will surely become more difficult to navigate. If your life seems complex, remember that you can find a way to simplify by going within. Your greatest life tools are connected to the feelings you choose or create.

If there is something you fear, pause, take a breath and find a way to accept it. The quickest path is gratitude. Say you are grateful for something even if you cannot find reasons to be grateful. This is a powerful tool for navigating your internal landscape. What you see on the outside reflects what you do internally.

Let’s practice transforming circumstances with gratitude.

LifeParticle Meditation

When you feel overwhelmed by your life's circumstances, stop what you are doing and sit. Relax your shoulders and straighten your spine.

Release surface tension by shaking your head, shaking your shoulders and shaking your hands while you slowly exhale.

If you have a LifeParticle Card, take 30 seconds to look at the LifeParticle Sun (or find a digital version at ChangeYourEnergy.com). This will help you shift your focus to what you want to achieve.

This will help you shift your focus from what you want to avoid to what you want to achieve. Next, imagine yourself sitting face to face with the circumstance that is challenging you.

Take a deep breath and slowly exhale until you empty out your lungs. With each exhale send light particles of gratitude to your challenge. As you keep breathing and exhaling, imagine that the light you are sending it makes it brighter and brighter.

Keep breathing and sending light particles of gratitude for two more minutes.

Take a deep breath and open your arms wide, open your palms. Exhale and let your hands fall toward your chest. Repeat two more times, really stretching the palms.

With your arms open wide, look upward and say this affirmation: "I am open to positive thoughts about myself and about my future. My life has infinite possibilities for peace and joy!"

Get the motivation and inspiration to stay on track with your personal goals by taking the 2014 New Year’s Resolution Challenge!

Important Practice Tips
In just 21 days, you can unlock your hidden potential and transform your habits for a more fulfilled life. With a simple combination of daily inspiration, meditation, breathing exercises and affirmations, you can achieve your goals and create the life you really want.

Try to meditate at the same time every day:
Please remember that meditation involves your body and mind. Both will respond best to a consistent practice at a regular time. You will have better results if you do this around the same time every day.

Be patient with the healing process:
These 21 days will be process of self-healing. The healing process means that some emotional items you identify and release may seem to intensify as you are releasing them.

Also, there may be subtle physical reactions to the emotional release such as unexpected exhaustion or mild achiness.

This message is not intended as medical advice, so please consult your healthcare practitioner with any health concerns.

Written by Temani Aldine
A man wearing many hats, Temani's background as a lawyer, writer, yoga instructor, lifelong meditation student and polyglot makes communications and marketing a good fit for him. It also makes him a one man Changeyourenergy.com embassy.
6 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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What a great article.
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When nothing is certain everything is possible! Thank you for this mind opening process and practice. My hopes and dreams feel much brighter. I have the choice to make a u-turn and change my direction in every moment.
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"Twas an actual joyful day! Went into work singing, taught student with heart, worked steadily and cheerfully...saw through inside eyes...know my life has infinite possibilities for peace and joy...and I choose. Getting easier to stop that split second before acting and ask whether this is the "right" action. Gratitude is the great motivator/joyful peaceful place. " Be grateful. Love one another." Thank you SSN, Temani, and webmasters. Really good site. Enjoyed this immensely and benefitted. Thanks to my comment companions, too...and for your support. Always together in oneness..;D
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I feel different, it's great!Thank-you all everyone, isn't it great to be happy!!!!!! I hope everyone learned!! Thank-u alot.
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I feel transformed and I have even more tools to use to navigate through my life. Even though I couldn't achieve my goal 100%, I feel like I am getting closer to the results that I dream of. I thank Ilchi Lee, Temani and everyone else who is involved in creating this wonderful site!
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Feeling at peace. Nice to breathe through fears and uncertainties, accepting them while also knowing I can continually let them go. This 21 day challenge has been a great daily habit, one I will continue! Thank you all for your heart for change! You can do all things!
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