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How to Be Happy

How to Be Happy
There is an epidemic out there today. It’s an epidemic of dissatisfaction, disempowerment, and escapism. This epidemic worsens as more people experience negative economic changes. The material goods and pleasures that we all enjoy are simply not enough for us to feel fulfilled, happy, and healthy.

It’s like there is something missing—something many people are searching for. But they are looking in the wrong place. They look for it in other people, in a beautiful place, or in food, fashion, or media. Those things are temporarily satisfying, but then they become hollow, and people search for a new person, place, hairdo, or TV show. No matter how much they look, however, they still feel lonely and empty in their heart.

They can’t find what they are searching for because they are looking in the wrong place. The one place many people neglect to look is inside of them. What they are missing is their true value—the energy inside them that comes from the Source of life. I call this unchanging and pure energy your true self or your soul because it’s the part of you that exists long after your body dies. It’s also the part of you with the creative power to manifest your reality.

Your soul is actually a part of you that you can talk to. In fact, it’s craving your attention. By turning your attention inward and giving love to your soul, you are giving it the food it needs to be bright and strong. When you are connected to your soul in this way, you can never be lonely. But also, you gain real appreciation and love for yourself, and the deepest satisfaction and comfort. Even more than that, through your connection with your soul, you gain the desire to be beneficial to many people and the earth and the ability to design your life that way.

To help people make this connection with their soul, I made a visualization that portrays your soul as a bird. Your soul bird can be any shape, size, or color. It’s home is in your heart. You can lovingly cradle your soul bird in your heart, or you can fly with it freely through the bright, blue sky. When you are happy, your soul bird is happy. When you are sad, your soul bird is there to comfort you.

I wrote a short story to help people know about the bird of their soul. I actually thought of this story 20 years ago, but just putting it in words is not that much fun. I think a book has to be fun. In the midst of fun, you find wisdom and truth.

Last year I found an illustrator named Jisu Han from South Korea who discovered her soul through her Dahn Yoga practice. After years of searching for just the right pictures to go with this story, Jisu’s paintings were just right. Finally, I can show you Bird of the Soul.

Talking to the bird of your soul is very simple. It’s not something you need to learn or think a lot about. Just relax yourself completely and turn your attention inward. Look with your inner eyes at your heart and let a bird come to mind. What kind of bird do you see? What is it’s size and color?

Talk to your bird. Be sure to tell it that you love it. You can even give it a name. And then listen carefully to what the bird of your soul has to say to you. It may speak to you in images, words, thoughts, or feelings. It will always have an important message for you.

Once you get to know the bird of your soul, it will be easier to connect to it wherever you are. I recommend having a conversation with your soul bird at least three times a day for a few minutes. When you develop a mutually loving and supportive relationship with the bird of your soul, your life will begin to change and take on greater meaning. You will always feel how important you are and treat others the same way. Your relationships will change, you will change, the world will change.

Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
2 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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It's so beatiful. Everyone needs to find their soul. I highly recommend to all to read IlChi Lee's book and article.
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I love love love this teaching from ilchi sesungnim. His teaching is always easy, practical , but has deep wisdom. I can connect to my soul in daily life by doing this practice regurally. Then I believe I can live my life true to my soul, which I really want to do. I am very grateful for this teaching and love of ilchi sesungnim.
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