Have you heard of Bowing Meditation? Bowing is a deeply sacred movement that represents life itself in its most poetic form. It’s a simple exercise that opens all meridians and acupressure points and brings your mind to a calm, still, and tranquil state.
In our busy and fast-paced world, so much of our lives now is about filling up. Our society revolves about gaining more, learning more, achieving more, buying more...more, more, more...that it’s easy to forget the importance of emptying. Just as we must exhale before we can inhale, we must first quiet the mental chatter to discover who and what we are truly made of beneath the surface.
When we can feel and exist in the calm, tranquil state through meditation methods such as bowing, we can discover our true selves inside and listen to our true voice amongst the chaos.
Join our instructor Linda Yoonjin to experience Bowing Meditation through this live class. All are welcomed, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to spirituality and/or energy work. Bring a yoga mat with you to do the bowing.
Free for everyone.