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Change requires leaders who create positive changes in their lives and inspire others to do so too.
Leaders can share their experience and passion in multiple ways such as classes, lectures and seminars. ChangeYourEnergy provides tools and resources that are designed to help the leaders’ actions in their communities. Here is one example and more will be added.

How to lead a session

1.Set your Session Duration
Depending on the location and group, set a duration that fits. It can be as simple as 15 minutes with your co-worker getting ready for the day, or a whole hour long event in a coffee shop with friends.

2.Get to Know Each Other with Simple Introductions
First, welcome and introduce yourself and each person. Make it light-hearted and casual and most of all be yourself!

3.Prepare for Meditation with Physical Exercises
Next, do a little light stretching or free movement to loosen up the body. This physical stimulation will help make you more aware and sensitized to the flow of energy in your body and open up your energy channels. It will also help to release extraneous thoughts so that you can focus more deeply.
Once you feel relaxed and comfortable, start the meditation.

4.Meditate with Purpose
Your meditation may be a theme you’d like to focus on such as releasing anger, mental clarity, healing or anything else you can think of that would benefit your group. If you need an idea to get you started, you can choose one from the examples listed below.

5.Meditate to send positive energy to a specific person or persons in need.
Focus on a challenging short term or long term goal that you wish to accomplish.
Release negative emotions and visualize positive thoughts pushing them away.
You can also use any of the Meditation videos that are available on Change TV.

6.Share and Exchange Your Thoughts and Experiences
Hold a short discussion about the experience. This can be a great way to reinforce everyone’s experience well after the session is over. Group discussion gives everyone a chance to reflect on their experience and learn from that of others. It’s a powerful way to bond with each other and give one another feedback for improving meditation and sense of energy. Create an atmosphere where each person can share freely. And that’s it!

These are just suggestions, so take what works for you and find new ways to engage your group. You might even ask your group what they would like to do in the next session.

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Positive transformations for body, mind and soul
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Over 1500 videos, articles, live webinars, and weekly streaming classes for all levels. Experience positive change for the body, mind, and soul from the teachings of mind-body expert Ilchi Lee.
Phone: 928-239-4002
Body & Brain Energy Exercise
By Yoosoo Shin
Fri, Apr. 26, 10:00-11:00AM EDT
The information, instruction or advice given by ChangeYourEnergy.com is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.