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Join the 21-Day Solar Body Challenge for Transformation

Join the 21Day Solar Body Challenge for Transformation
They say it takes 21 days to make a lasting change in your life. And, on October 10th, ChangeYourEnergy.com is inviting you to warm up to the idea of activating your self-healer by kicking off our 21-Day Solar Body Challenge. An exercise plan that just might be the most powerful, transformative exercises you have ever experienced.

Here's how it works. Starting on October 10, 2014, the CYE community will practice the Solar Body 10-10-10 exercises: Plate Balancing, Toe Tapping and Brain Wave Vibration exercises, for ten minutes each, for 21 days. You can start anytime between now and the end of the month to participate.

A Solar Body is a body that has recovered its innate, natural healing power by maintaining a healthy body temperature through self-created life force. When you achieve a solar body, just as the sun radiates light on its own, you adopt an attitude toward life that enables you to create health, happiness, and peace on your own, without reliance on outside influences or healers.

These three energy principle exercises, for body, energy and brain, are some of the most effective for kindling a solar body and activating your inner healer. Plate Balancing helps your mind to focus, realigns your joints and muscles, helps your slim down fast and really warms up your body. Toe Tapping reduces fatigue, is very relaxing and improves circulation. Brain Wave Vibration helps your move your body to your own internal, natural healing rhythms in order to slow down and integrate your brain waves. All three exercises are also easy and fun!

We believe, if you do all three exercises, for at least ten minutes each day, you will notice some shining examples of how quickly you can change your energy. But even if you only do it once, or once a week, we still want to hear from you.

Visit CYE's Facebook Page for official event details and to post your video, story, or photo sharing your experience with Solar Body Training.

CYE will send a download link for a free mp3 meditation inspired by the book "The Secret of Mago Castle" to everyone who participated in sharing their Solar Body Training experiences at the end of the event on October 30th.

Click here to Learn more about the revolutionary Solar Body Method!
Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
5 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Quite a challenge. Hope to try them out. <a href="https://fnaf1.io/" >fnaf 1</a>
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Going to start my 21-Day journey on July 1st.  Join us if you'd like. 
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I have been really enjoying doing the plate balancing exercise and brain wave vibration. I find both these exercises very helpful and I can feel and see the light of my Serenity, my soul plus I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed.
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I am very excited to try this.  I love plate balancing exercise, and brain wave vibration.  I will try to love toe tapping too...  
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Can I join this without being on Facebook?
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Yes, you can participate in the 21-Day Challenge without being on Facebook; please e-mail us your experiences, stories, videos and/or photos via @ support@ChangeYourEnergy.com, and we can post it on our page for you (please specify if you'd like your full name, initials or anonymous), and we will e-mail you the guided mediation audio file at the end of the event.
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