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21 Days to a Solar and Sensational Body

21 Days to a Solar and Sensational Body
They say it takes a least 21 days to change a habit or reinforce new behaviors. But 21 days of Solar Body exercises brings fitness to a whole new level.

Twenty-one days of Solar Body exercises are so much more than fun and easy exercises to help you reinforce a healthy daily habit. Yes, it will get your body moving, clear the cobwebs from your mind, boost your metabolism and increase your circulation. But the primary benefit of Solar Body exercises is that they activate your inner healer—your body's innate ability to heal itself, naturally and effectively.

Your body is full of wisdom and medicine. But sometimes that inner healer goes to sleep or becomes obscured. Overwhelmed by environmental toxins, stress and other low energy conditions, your energy level or temperature drops, and your inner healer retreats under the covers, waiting for conditions in its environment to improve. Just as it's difficult to impossible for a body or thing (like water) to move freely when in a cold or frozen state, the healer within you goes dormant when it's too cold.

What it needs to come awake again is a "solar body," one where the "climate" is just right. Not too cold or low energy and not too hot or high energy. When conditions are good your inner healer is nurtured by its environment to do its best work.

A solar body is a body that has recovered its innate, natural healing power by maintaining a healthy body temperature through self-created life force. When you achieve a solar body, just as the sun radiates light on its own, you adopt an attitude toward life that enables you to create health, happiness, and peace on your own, without reliance on outside influences or healers.

One of the most effective ways to create a solar body is through exercises that bring your physical, emotional and spiritual energy up to the optimal temperature range for health.

Some easy and effective exercises that are especially good at kindling your solar body include Plate Balancing, Toe Tapping and Brain Wave Vibration.

Try one or all three of these exercises for at least ten minutes every day for 21 days. Chances are you will quickly notice some big changes. You can space each exercise out throughout the day, or do all three in one session. It's up to you; there are no hard and fast rules (that wouldn't be much fun). But do challenge yourself and see how soon your life can shine with radiant health!

Plate Balancing
Plate Balancing quickly warms the entire body. Your mind will become calmer and focused once you start balancing the plate in your hand as you rotate it over your head. Plate Balancing is especially helpful for joint pain, stiff shoulders and tight muscles.

Toe Tapping
You can do Toe Tapping lying or sitting. The point of focus is your toes and is best done before going to sleep at night.

Brain Wave Vibration
Brain Wave Vibration can be done with body tapping or on its own. It is an easy way to quickly clear away negative thoughts, revive after many hours sitting at a computer, and work out the kinks in your neck.

If your energy for living has turned cold, bring up your solar body and start living in the sunshine again.

Download our free 30-minute Solar Body Method video and get information about joining a free mini-workshop in your area by clicking on our Solar Body Method page and get started today!

Click here to Learn more about the revolutionary Solar Body Method!
Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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