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Brain Education Day: Memorial Bill Passed by State of New Mexico

Brain Education Day Memorial Bill Passed by State of New Mexico

Brain Education, a self development and empowerment program founded by Ilchi Lee for children and adults alike, has received some very promising forward motion recently! The House of Representative of the state of New Mexico passed a memorial bill to declare February 27th as a Brain Education Day at the state level. 

The memorial bill also requested that higher education and public education departments in the state consider implementing Brain Education into professional development for teachers and into student curriculum.

Linda Trujillo, member of the House of Representatives, presented the memorial bill and the benefits Brain Education has on improving lives for children and adults alike. Ilchi Lee’s Brain Education program is implemented in schools around the United States and internationally, especially in New York City, South Korea, Liberia and El Salvador.
Currently, four cities in the state of New Mexico have expressed interest in Brain Education and planning Brain Education workshops and presentations for principals, superintendents, and instructors at various schools.
New Mexico is the first state to declare a Brain Education Day, although New York City declared an IBREA Brain Education Day on January 8, 2009.

What is Brain Education?
Brain Education is a action-oriented mind-body tool used to increase help children and adults alike heighten focus and creativity, elevate mood, manage stress, develop confidence, manage emotions, ease anxiety, increase analytical ability and deeply develop cognitive function.

Our brain is the most powerful tool that we can use to achieve our aspirations. Through our courses based on Brain Education methods, you learn how to consciously harness your brain’s limitless potential. These effective self-development disciplines bring you focus, clarity, creativity, insight and enormous personal power.

ChangeYourEnergy.com is the host of Ilchi Lee’s Brain Education courses to provide access to the wisdom and knowledge of this practice.

Brain Education Online Courses on CYE:
Power Brain Instructor: Certification Course Level 1
Unleash Your Power Brain Workshop with Ilchi Lee and Dave Beal
Brain Education Conference 2016
Brain Education Conference 2015

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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